Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Value of Women Artists

The Value of Women
Why is it that most women artists do not receive the same pay and are not provided with the same opportunities and recognition as their male counterparts? Women have been creating art since the beginning of time just as men have and the feminist art movement created more opportunities not just for women, but also for men with regards to new and different art mediums.

What is it in our global culture that indoctrinates men and women to believe female artists are not entitled to the same dignity as male artists? In general women are not valued and rewarded for their vital contributions to society, so how can women be held in the same esteem as men?

Maybe the first step is to examine why society is not questioned regarding our value. There are more women in the world, more women in the workplace and more women who are head of their household. How do women arrive at a balanced partnership with men in our society, where women are valued equally as men?

There are more female artists than men who create art from countless mediums and yet most art created by women receives little acknowledgement if any. With this said, I would like to recognize a few of my women artist friends now.

Ruth Barrett who is an incredible musician, Falcon River who is a remarkable artist of many talents, Jane E. Ward who is an amazing painter and multimedia artists, Kerry Krittell an astonishing metal smith, Fern Mary Pinecrone who is an unbelievable film artist, Darcelle Foster who is a great wood worker and Pam Stern who is an awesome sculptor.

To see Viva La Charra by Kathy Sosa click on image:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much and I would like to recognize you also as an amazing, astonishing, incredible woman artist! Thanks too for creating this blog and giving these women the recognition they so deserve. May She Who Creates bless you with an ever abundant supply of creativity!
