Sunday, August 1, 2010

Milagros Art

Milagros art is usually made from aluminum sheet metal or recycled aluminum cans, but can be made from a vast variety of materials such as felt, paper, clay, glass, wood, found objects, etc.
Milagros are small metal charms that can depict religious symbols or other symbols found in many areas of Latin America, particularly in Mexico and Peru.These charms can also be found in Europe and are referred to as Exvotos, which means offerings.
The word “Milagro” means “miracle”. Milagros often depict arms, legs, women praying, farm animals and a wide range of other symbols that are typically nailed or pinned to a cross or wooden statues of various saints. Sometimes these charms are hung with ribbon or threads from altars and shrines and they can also be worn or carried for protection or good luck.
Often women create Milagros Art as an expression of love for a loved one or to attract something to themselves, such as money, a new job, a new car, a new home or to complete a task or an endeavor they have embark on. Some women create Milagros to remind them of a loved one or a triumph they have experienced in their life. Milagros can also be used to make unique colorful jewelry.
To see Jewelry and Accessories from Everyday Objects click on image:
Jewelry and Accessories from Everyday Objects: 19 Unique Projects Inspired by Found Objects and Ready-Made Materials  Jewelry and Accessories from Everyday Objects: 19 Unique Projects Inspired by Found Objects and Ready-Made Materials

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